Workpackage 4: Implemented Qualifications Frameworks at Institutional Level (UGent-Belgium)

The main task of this WP is to provide reference points, methodological basis and practical tools to Armenian HEIs for the development of LO based multi-level study programmes coherent with ANQF and SQFs that will meet the demands of the labour market.
Thus, the next step of the project would be creating policies and guidance for LO based two-level curriculum development. A 5-day study tour and a workshop for 27 ANQF WG and SQFs WT members will be organized in UGent. This tour will seek to explore the ways and practices of LO based curriculum development provisions at European universities. The representatives of each EU partner university will introduce their experience in this field and elaborate on current methodologies. Afterwards the participants will be asked to define programme and study module LOs for 5 BA and MA degree programmes in the selected subject areas. The outcomes of the study tour and the workshop will serve as a basis for the ANQF WG in developing national and institutional policies and mechanisms to support new approaches towards ANQF and SQFs compatible curriculum development. Particularly, a multi-level LO based curriculum development Guide will be produced, published and disseminated among AM HEIs. The Guide will also include a common programme specification model with appropriate requirements for HE degree programmes in Armenia. To ensure multiplier effect each SQFs WTs’ member will organize one-day in-house workshops by training 15 academic staff members in his/her own university. Based on the results of the workshop and directed by the methodologies provided in the developed Guide the HEIs will develop LO based BA and MA sample curricula in the selected subject areas. The ANQF WG will also develop and provide to Armenian HEIs with the programme QA and compatibility-check tools and procedures, which will be approved by MoES for adoption at national level.
An external peer-review of the developed Guide and sample LO based curricula will be undertaken by the QEC to ensure quality and compatibility with the ANQF and relevant SQFs.