On May 28-30, 2016 the Ghent University, Belgium organized a special study tour for the ARMENQA project’s academic staff from HEIs and social partners.
During the 3-day seminar the participants got acquainted with the Education system of Belgium, Internationalization processes and its interaction with Qualifications Frameworks, recognition of prior learning, validations of formal and non-formal learning, correspondence and respective relevance of learning outcomes and competences; knowledge vs. skills; responsibility, context and students’ autonomy issues, etc.
First day of the training was opened by Janerik Lundquist, the Coordinator of TEMPUS ARMENQA Project. Further, experts from Ghent University started the training with the introduction to the training objectives and some organizational issues.
Professor Guido Van Huylenbroeck, the Academic Director of Internationalization of UGent started the training with general overview of the educational system, peculiarities and qualification specificity of Ghent University, provided general overview of the Educational System of Belgium (Flemish sector) with special reference to the education levels, sector/qualification characteristics.
Mr. Frederick De Decker, the Head of International Relations Office continued providing the general overview of internationalization processes, some success stories and positive experience of benchmarking. The official part was concluded by Mrs. Nathalie Druine, Policy Staff Member of UGent training the staff on Validations in connection with the formal vs. non-formal education. Specific sessions with questions and answers were held.
The second day presentations of Mrs. Katrijn De Cock, Policy Advisor Office of Educational Quality Assurance, Mr. Frederick De Decker, Head of International Relations Office and Mrs. Joke Claeys, Policy Advisor Office of Educational Quality Assurance focused on quality assurance issues and its interconnection with NQFs, major issues and paradigm of Study Programmes with special reference to the improvement, peer-review and the legal and other necessary bases for joint degree (education) programmes.
During the third day Prof. Martin Valcke, Head of the Department of Educational Studies held a session with special reference to some educational techniques, modern educational methods and practical implementation patterns. General overview of the Department he represented, actual implementation of the major educational standards, inner networks and departments with special reference to degree programme / course description design policy, success stories, as well as, to the evaluation/assessment / measurability issues in assessment. Practical samples introduced. Meanwhile, Prof. Johan Lagae from the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chair Committee of Internationalization provided a general overview of the Department he represented, actual implementation of the major educational standards, inner networks and departments with special reference to degree programme / course description design policy, success stories, as well as, to the evaluation/assessment / measurability issues in assessment. Practical samples introduced.
The presentations were followed by group discussions facilitated by Professor Janerik Lundquist from Linkoping University and focused on Summing up the discussions and sessions organized, rising the current issues in groups and joint discussions and gathered feedback on the training.
The sessions organized within the framework of the present visit were particularly interesting due to the information delivered on the basis of success stories, actual implementation examples and life-based samples of the approaches, techniques and methods introduced. As it happens mostly, one of the major achievements of the sessions were gained due to the group discussions and idea exchange sessions throughout the participating groups.



