Workpackage 3: Sectorial Qualification Frameworks for 5 selected subject areas (HSO-Germany)

Development of the national model and a methodological basis for the establishment of SQFs and piloting 5 SQFs in the selected subject areas is the key task of this WP. In order to create a national model for SQFs it is envisaged to undertake capacity building of the designated academic and administrative staff and student representatives. In this regard the HSO will organize and host a 3-day workshop in DE devoted to SQF development strategies and methodologies with the involvement of all project partners including ANQF WG and student representatives (36 academic and administrative staff, 2 students per each AM and 1 per each EU institutions, 51 in total). During the workshop the participants will be broken down into 5 separate groups where general concepts and subject specific peculiarities of SQFs in Physics, Law, Education, Civil Engineering and Agriculture will be explained and discussed. Afterwards the participants will be invited to make outlines and write qualification requirements/descriptors in the selected subject areas for BA and MA levels. This will provide a basis for future discussions with main stakeholders in Armenia.
On its return to AM the ANQF WG will develop the methodological basis and a national model for Armenian HE SQFs based on the best EU practice. This will provide a basis for the further development of SQFs in different subject specific areas. To achieve these 5 Work Teams (WTs) from abovementioned workshop participants will be setup in order to develop SQFs in Physics, Law, Education, Civil Engineering and Agriculture. The WTs’ members will be provided with the necessary portable equipment procured from the project budget. To collect the feedback and finalize qualification descriptors for each subject area 5 focus groups will be organized in YSU and ASPU with involvement of the WTs, relevant professional bodies, experts, HEIs, social partners and employers, business and industry representatives, EU experts, student unions.
After the development of methodology and the national model for the SQFs, as well as receipt of recommendations and conclusions from the workshop and focus groups, the SQFs’ WTs will develop 5 SQFs in the selected subject areas compatible with ANQF descriptors. To ensure that SQFs are applicable and meet the needs of HEIs and other stakeholders the HEIs will reference several selected programmes in each subject area to the developed SQFs. This will inform HEIs academic staff about the purposes and benefits of the SQFs. To ensure sustainability and obligatory use of the developed SQFs by HEIs and other stakeholders (NICARM, ANQA, etc.) they will subsequently be asserted by the MoES decree. An external peer-review of the developed SQFs will be undertaken by the QEC to ensure quality and compatibility with the QF-EHEA and ANQF.