The National Qualifications Framework is one of the most important official documents of the Armenian higher education. It is a tool for classification of qualifications in accordance with the descriptors defined for different levels of education, which relates national qualifications to each other and aligns them with the demands of the labour market and the society making them transparent and understandable. The first NQF was approved by the Armenian Government yet in 2011. Nevertheless, after the approval the first NQF has not been in practical use in the higher education system.
Thus, in 2014 within the frame of TEMPUS “ARMENQA” PROJECT 543817-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-SE-TEMPUS-SMHES “IMPLEMENTATION OF NATIONAL AND SECTORIAL QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORKS IN ARMENIA” a draft of the new NQF for RA higher education was developed, which was completely in line not only with EHEA, but also with European qualifications framework of lifelong learning.