Final Conference on Implementation of National and Sectorial Qualifications Frameworks in Armenia, 17 May, 2017

Seminar on Learning Outcomes and Educational Programmes: Evaluation and Appreciation in Ghent, 19-21 April, 2017


Training on LO-Based Programmes, Teaching, Learning and Assessment in HE in Aarhus, 27-30 September, 2016 


Quality Evaluation & Internal Coordination Meeting in Osnabrück, 22-24 August, 2016


Training on The Chain of “NQF-SQFs-LOs-TLA Methods” in HE System of Belgium in Ghent, 28-30 June, 2016 


Study Tour on Implementation of National and Sectorial Qualifications Frameworks in Romania, 30-31 May, 2016 


Round Table Discussion with Student Representatives on Students Role in Formation of NQFA, 16 April, 2016


Working Meetings on The Use of SQFs for the Development of LO-Based Educational Programmes in Yerevan, 21 March-10 April, 2016
Dissemination Conference & Workshop on Issues of Implementation of National & Sectorial Qualifications Frameworks in Armenian HE in Yerevan, 3-4 March, 2016

Coordination Meeting in Stockholm, 7-9 January, 2016
Round Table Discussion on Employers Role in Formation of NQFA in Yerevan, 8 December, 2015


Monitoring of ARMENQA Project, 2015


Workshop on Development of Sectorial Qualifications Frameworks and Coordination Meeting in Osnabruck, 2-5 November, 2015 

Training on designing level descriptors and learning outcomes in Linkoping, Sweden 21-24 June, 2015

First Coordination Meeting and Information Seminar in Osnabruck, 30-31 October, 2014

Monitoring visit of ARMENQA PROJECT by National Erasmus Plus Office, 24 June- 03 July, 2014
ARMENQA Workshop on Issues of the National Qualifications Framework of RA for HE in Yerevan, June 24-25, 2014

A four day study tour organized to the Aarhus University in Denmark during the period of 4-9 May, 2014

Launch of TEMPUS ARMENQA Project (Implementation of National and Sectorial Qualifications Frameworks in Armenia) in Linkoping city in Sweden on February 3-4, 2014